Personal Training, Nordic Walking, and Snow Shoeing



This really isn’t Day 1. 

This is my first entry on this site. 

(Day one was really many years ago!!!!!)

Today, we decided (my husband and I ) to snowshoe along the Bruce Trail just west of Collingwood Ontario. It was great to get outside on such a beautiful day. It could have been so easy to just stay inside and read by the fire. Which is what we will do after the hike.

One of our greatest motivators is our dog, Bailey. What a trooper!! We often take our son’s dog with us, as well. They both love the freedom and exercise (and smells that fresh snow seems to magnify).

Our dog is the little one!

The sun sure makes a difference.

Snowshoeing is a great activity. It tones your entire body while providing an excellent cardiovascular workout; it strengthens leg and heart muscles and improves delivery of oxygen to muscles. It is also a low impact activity which is great for our knees, hips and ankles. We also use Nordic Walking Poles which help with balance and safety and also provide an excellent upper body work out. (More on the poles in a later post.)

We snowshoed for approximately an hour and fifteen minutes. My husband thought it was more like an hour and a half. I told him I subtracted 15 minutes for his picture taking breaks.

Being outdoors in a beautiful setting is certainly a way to keep us motivated.

I hope that future posts will provide you with all kinds of ideas to help you Stay Motivated and Fitoplay!

Your comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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